Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Natural Beauty Is Something All Women Want

Natural Beauty Something All Women Want by skin care

Despite the advancements in science, a woman is always trying to keep
her natural beauty and something all women have tried to control for
thousands of years. Many of these natural beauty secrets have been
passed down mother to child for untold generations whether they
are royalty or not.

However, the passing down of natural beauty secrets is not as common
in Western countries where it seems artificial methods are preferred.
Yet there are natural beauty treatments that are neither costly nor
risky, and can have a multitude of benefits that help women stay both
healthy and beautiful.

Probably the most underestimated natural beauty treatment is
water, a commodity which is usually easily obtainable and inexpensive.
Drinking eight to ten glasses of water a day will hydrate your skin
and make it beautiful, ridding the body of toxins and unwanted
chemicals. Just living in today's modern world allows a build up of
unwanted wastes in our body, and water is an excellent way to cleanse
our systems.

Eating fruits and vegetables daily is another natural beauty secret
and a non-artificial way to get the vitamins and minerals one needs.
The goodness that comes from eating regular portions of fruit and
vegetables cannot be stressed enough as some of the benefits include
improved health and energy. Carrots, oranges, cucumbers and apple
juices are fantastic natural beauty secrets as they are excellent
rejuvenators of skin, hair and nails.

Another natural beauty secret is exercise as it is inexpensive and
the results can be astounding including an increased oxygen level in
the blood. As an ex and le, running, walking, swimming and cycling
are all types of exercise almost anyone can do and are inexpensive or
free but they'll bring great gains to a person's natural beauty. Other
benefits of exercise include better digestion, toxins are removed from
the body's system more efficiently and calories are burnt off more quickly.

Keeping fit also raises positive energy levels and lifts the mood,
increasing your overall natural beauty. By keeping a positive mental
outlook a person generally stays happier and as a natural beauty
secret it has been shown to lengthen life and help ward of illness.

Bathing and showering for ex and le, are daily natural beauty
treatments that serve not only to cleanse the body, but to help refresh
the mind. Depending on your day, you may want to shower in the
morning as pleasant wake up stimulant or bathe before bed to relax
you from the stresses of your day. Some of us take a good night's sleep
for granted and do not realize how those that are not luckily enough
to have one, find their working day much harder.

We must all know by now the harm excessive exposure to the sun
can do to your natural beauty but too little sun can have a similar
effect because it is a source of vitamin D and energy bringing health
to the skin, bones and nails. So wearing sunscreen and moisturize
daily are two of the must-do natural beauty secrets which may
cost you a little but can be an excellent preventive measure for
years to come but still enable you to take advantage of the other
health benefits of the Sun.

Perhaps they shouldn't be called natural beauty secrets because
for the most part they are either free or relatively inexpensive
and rely on just a little old fashioned common sense, but what a
difference they can make!

energy bringing health to the skin

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