Friday, April 18, 2008

Love your skin with Natural Beauty Secrets

It is an age old problem, how does a woman keep her natural beauty to stay looking young? Natural beauty secrets have been passed down through the generations from royal subjects to the common worker from every culture on the planet. It is a shame then that Western women have not adopted these more natural beauty secrets instead of those that rely on (usually) invasive medical procedures. This is a peculiar situation when many natural beauty treatments are neither costly nor difficult to obtain and come with little risk to a person’s health.

One of the most important natural beauty treatments uses something that is surrounds us every day ? water. Cleansing the body’s system, hydrating the skin and helping to maintain its natural beauty are just a few benefits of drinking eight to ten glasses of water per day. Our bodies become contaminated with pollution and toxins from the world around us and water is the ideal method of eliminating them from our system.

Eating fruits and vegetables daily is another natural beauty secret and a non-artificial way to get the vitamins and minerals one needs. Fruit and vegetables contain many different nutrients, providing us with particular benefits and drinking natural juices can give us optimum health and helps enhance our natural energy. Carrots, oranges, cucumbers and apple juices are fantastic natural beauty secrets as they are excellent rejuvenators of skin, hair and nails.

Another natural beauty secret is exercise as it is inexpensive and the results can be astounding including an increased oxygen level in the blood. You shouldn’t be shy of physical exercise as it’s another good way to improve your health and natural beauty, although walking may be the most common, there is also running, swimming and cycling as well. With exercise, the body’s is able to digest food more efficiently, thereby burning calories and eliminating toxins from the system.

Keeping fit also raises positive energy levels and lifts the mood, increasing your overall natural beauty. Keeping positive and happy is a natural beauty secret that has been shown to lengthen the life span and boost the immune system.

Regular bathing is a natural beauty treatment that has a spiritual and psychological effect on your mind as you cleanse your body of all the pollution that it absorbs. Depending on your day, you may want to shower in the morning as pleasant wake up stimulant or bathe before bed to relax you from the stresses of your day. A restful night’s sleep is good for your day ahead as you are less likely to become stressed while you are at work.

We must all know by now the harm excessive exposure to the sun can do to your natural beauty but too little sun can have a similar effect because it is a source of vitamin D and energy bringing health to the skin, bones and nails. To counteract the aging affects of the sun, it as always a good idea to apply a suitable sunscreen which can help filter out the damaging effects of the sun but keep those that are good for the skin and as a natural beauty secret, it should not be forgotten.

Perhaps they shouldn’t be called natural beauty secrets because for the most part they are either free or relatively inexpensive and rely on just a little old fashioned common sense, but what a difference they can make!

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Love your skin with Natural Beauty Secrets

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